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Commercial Division

John P. Rynne, MAI, SRA, Owner and President, manages a highly skilled staff and has expertise in all phases of commercial appraisal and advisory services. In over 30 years of service, he has specialized in the valuation of all types of commercial, residential, retail, industrial, and special purpose properties. Additionally, he is active in court testimony as an expert witness and has testified in federal, state and local courts. His personal involvement and review of assignments ensures quality, objectivity, and consistency.

The Commercial Division specializes in property situated in the New York State area. Additionally, the firm periodically appraises commercial property in other areas of the United States.

Rynne, Murphy & Associates, Inc. reports results in various formats for clients. Formats include both narrative and form reports. Function of the reports include:
Mortgage Finance Feasibility Studies
Estate Settlement Rental Analyses
Purchase/Sale Decisions Market Surveys
Real Estate Assessment Review Metropolitan Area Surveys
Real Estate Condemnation Zoning Disputes
Real Estate Workouts Matrimonial Property Consultation
Municipal Property Valuation Relocation
General Litigation

Our consultation and advisory services division continues to grow with assessment review and tax appeals work being primary areas of concentration. Other advisory services are related to corporate relocation/ expansion, site selection, lease analysis, purchase/sale representation, real estate workouts, some business valuation, and feasibility studies.

We maintain flexibility to serve clients' individual needs whether for existing or proposed ventures, major or smaller properties, complex multiple property assignments, whatever the criteria requires. Please see Rate Survey page for additional data available.


Owner and President
MAI and SRA designations from the Appraisal Institute
NYS Certified General Real Estate Appraiser
-- Certification 46000004052
Qualified Expert Witness in Federal, State and Local Courts
New York State Licensed Real Estate Broker
Realtor Member of the Greater Rochester Association of Realtors, Inc. and National Association of Realtors.

For a complete listing of the professional qualifications of John P. Rynne, MAI, SRA, please contact our office.